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Simplify your practice with HealerPlus: the ultimate software for Alternative medicine professionals for managing clients and their appointments, case histories and billing.

Transform your practice with easy client management for alternative medicine practioners

Effortless Client Management

Access crucial details & treatment history with a simple tap.

Easy Session Management & Billing

Record session notes, track progress, and easily generate invoice, for better handling of finances.

Appointment Automation

HealerPlus automates appointment bookings and generates comprehensive treatment plans.

Empowering Team Collaboration

Soon, HealerPlus will enable you to collaborate seamlessly with fellow healers. (Coming Soon)

What We Do?

Healer+ is specifically designed to meet your requirements

With an user-friendly platform, HealerPlus removes all paper-work hassles. It helps you focus on what really matters that is : Healing & Transforming your practice

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